Tokonowa's Convoy
Ryker was the military specialist of a special city just outside of Tokonowa. He was known to be extremely skilled in martial arts and had many weapons that he was a true master with handling. He had been a part of an unidentifiable assault team that his country used to gain power in their kingdom. For his entire life, Ryker had trained countless hours a day to help his team achieve glorious victories in every battle they went into. Their team was known as the Convoy's, and it was Tokonowa's greatest military unit in all of the city's history. Ryker had several teammates who were specialists in other areas of fighting, Gino was good with guns, Amus was good with swords, and Becker was the best in the kingdom with hand to hand combat. Each day these four warriors would train together in the kingdoms training arena, working on their skills and battling against simulated experiences that would better prepare them in real life combat. After each week of hard training, they wo...