Reading Notes, Beowulf Part A

King Hygelac of Geatsland:
Geatsland was a land that is now what is considered northern Europe. The ruler of Geatsland was Hygelac. Hygelac was married to queen Hygd. Hygelac was a stern ruler, but his queen was considered to be Wise and Fair. Geatsland was on the coast, and there were many famous men who came from this land who were known to be heroic both on land and in the sea. Geatsland neighbored the Danes and the Frisians. All of the people in these areas were considered to be warlike. Geatsland was made up of vast forests that were inhabited by large beasts. Sometimes these beats would kill fishermen or farmers, and when this happened the Geats would wage war with the beasts. One day, the king and queen gathered the warriors of Geatsland in the kings drinking-hall. During the party, many stories were shared and songs were sang.

The Young Beowulf:
Hygelac's nephew Beowulf was one of the warriors of Geatsland. At a young age, Beowulf showed immense strength and a war like manor, so his parents sent him to live with the king to study war. As he began partaking in battles, he became clumsy though. One day, one of his companions challenged him to a swimming race, and Beowulf accepted. The two men swam for five days and nights until Beowulf finished the race victorious. When he was a full grown adult, the king arranged him to be one of his personal guards. One night the King hosted a great feast. When the king and queen showed praise to Beowulf, the many other lords and ladies that were gathered in the dining hall showed their discontent to it. The king and queen quickly told them that Beowulf would one day become famous for he was as strong as 30 men. Beowulf sat quietly and listened to the many complaints about him and just took it all in.
File:Beowulf, A Book of Myths.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
The great warrior Beowulf

The wanderer's song:
During the gathering, the king told everyone there that there was a man traveling through the sea and was bringing a great song for everyone. The king then introduced the man as the wanderer, and the man began playing his harp for everyone. He then began singing with a voice that was comparable to angels.

Beowulf's Resolve:
As Beowulf sat there listening to the music, thoughts ran through his mind. These thoughts lead him to have the idea of seeking out the monster that the minstrel (wanderer) was singing about. He decided that this would be his mission. Beowulf quickly jumped from his seat and spoke to the entire congregation. He told them that he would seek out the beast called Grendel and slay it. The king got up and silenced all the crowd, and then commended Beowulf and said that this was the time for him to prove his worth to everyone.

Beowulf's Journey: to be contd...

Bibliography: Henry Pitz, The Story of Beowulf, Beowulf


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